package main

import (


    _ ""
    util_log ""

func main() {
    var config loki.ConfigWrapper

    if err := cfg.DynamicUnmarshal(&config, os.Args[1:], flag.CommandLine); err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed parsing config: %v\n", err)
    if config.PrintVersion {

    // This global is set to the config passed into the last call to `NewOverrides`. If we don't
    // call it atleast once, the defaults are set to an empty struct.
    // We call it with the flag values so that the config file unmarshalling only overrides the values set in the config.

    // Init the logger which will honor the log level set in config.Server
    if reflect.DeepEqual(&config.Server.LogLevel, &logging.Level{}) {
        level.Error(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "invalid log level")
    util_log.InitLogger(&config.Server, prometheus.DefaultRegisterer)

    // Validate the config once both the config file has been loaded
    // and CLI flags parsed.
    err := config.Validate()
    if err != nil {
        level.Error(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "validating config", "err", err.Error())

    if config.PrintConfig {
        err := util.PrintConfig(os.Stderr, &config)
        if err != nil {
            level.Error(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "failed to print config to stderr", "err", err.Error())

    if config.LogConfig {
        err := util.LogConfig(&config)
        if err != nil {
            level.Error(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "failed to log config object", "err", err.Error())

    if config.VerifyConfig {
        level.Info(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "config is valid")

    if config.Tracing.Enabled {
        // Setting the environment variable JAEGER_AGENT_HOST enables tracing
        trace, err := tracing.NewFromEnv(fmt.Sprintf("loki-%s", config.Target))
        if err != nil {
            level.Error(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "error in initializing tracing. tracing will not be enabled", "err", err)
        defer func() {
            if trace != nil {
                if err := trace.Close(); err != nil {
                    level.Error(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "error closing tracing", "err", err)


    // Allocate a block of memory to reduce the frequency of garbage collection.
    // The larger the ballast, the lower the garbage collection frequency.
    ballast := make([]byte, config.BallastBytes)

    // Start Loki
    t, err := loki.New(config.Config)
    util_log.CheckFatal("initialising loki", err, util_log.Logger)

    if config.ListTargets {

    level.Info(util_log.Logger).Log("msg", "Starting Loki", "version", version.Info())

    err = t.Run(loki.RunOpts{})
    util_log.CheckFatal("running loki", err, util_log.Logger)